Derisk your business assumptions by investing in lean, tailored scientific research with your users
Specialist Research
Generative research
So you have an idea about what you think you need to build. But other ideas are surfacing. There are competing ideas about what uses really want, about the highest value problem to solve, about what to offer so that you have a durable business on your hands. You need generative research that derisks your assumptions. You need a scientist that can objectively explore and diagnose behavioural needs. You need an ethnographer. You need me.
Evaluative research
So you’re all in for the idea of build, test and learn. But now you need to do it. And fast. I can conduct usability studies, just in time evaluative research using lean approaches through surveys and customer outreach, set op for A/B testing or an array of other techniques that can help you validate (or invalidate if need be), improve and quickly get your best-dressed offering released and in the market.
Insights & Analytics
Equip yourself with an analytics and insights capability that will empower the rest of your team to make much more informed decisions. There are so many different insights and analytics solutions out there but it can be consuming to find and implement the right one for you. We can help get your insights platform chosen, configured and automate so that it is mature enough to be easily applied to your business process.
Strategic recommendations
So you have a water-tight business case or plan, it’s just missing the insights from your users. Stop! Don’t assume your business thinking can mind-read what kind of nuanced situational, contextual and behavioural needs exist amongst the diverse array of your different users. Get recommendations on authentic product-market fit before it’s too late, and you send time fixing the wrong problem.
“If I had an hour to solve a problem, I’d spend 55 minutes understanding the problem and 5 mins on the solution”
— Albert Einstein